01 - The one strategy you’re forgetting, to reach your goal

The One Strategy to Reach Your Goal.png

Have you ever got into a state of motivation and set some goals, based on the areas of life you want to improve? And then, despite your initial enthusiasm, forgotten about them?

In my early 20s I was living on Hamilton Island. It was a whole lot of fun and seemingly paradise. Everyone seemed to be thin, tanned, fabulous… and much cooler than me. I was having a good time on the surface but comparing myself to others made me feel that I needed to improve in some way. I wasn’t good enough. So, I made a list of dozens of things I didn’t like abut myself and set myself the goals of “fixing” them.

And, despite thinking that reaching these goals would make me better in some way, that initial motivation just wasn’t enough to make them happen.

So, what’s the solution?

Here’s the one key strategy…

The one thing we need for any goal is to let go of the story that we need to improve… and create a new story that we are already worthy. Make your goals from this place of already being good enough, of being worthy.

How do we do this? The key is to be kind to yourself - make this the one improvement that counts. Be kind in how you talk to yourself about what you are allowed to have, the goal, and the obstacles.

Because a sense of worth makes our goals more possible and more sustainable.

How to be kinder to yourself

We’ve all heard talk of “be kind to yourself”, but how do we actually apply this in a practical way? By running the things we say to ourselves past the litmus test or filter of “would I say this to the person I care about most?”. If you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, you have no business saying it to yourself.

When I planned to lose over 20kg in weight, I decided that no matter what steps became part of my weight loss plan, I was going to begin by committing to be kind to myself. Such a difference to 20 year old me! This time it was easy to keep going on my goals - because I had my own back.

Begin here

If you have big goals and dreams, begin with this: decide you are worthy and treat yourself kindly. Run the words you say to yourself past the filter of “is this how I talk to those I love?”. The rest will follow.

If you enjoyed this post, please follow my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/KathleenRobbMentor for conversations about body positivity, mindset and healthy weight loss strategies.


02 - Why vision is better than motivation